take the shortcut. solve your problem from within.


Life is going to happen. You’re going to have thoughts about it.

Those thoughts don’t have to hurt. In fact, you don’t even have to believe them.

I can help. Let’s do The Work.

A simple and specific, meditative process of questioning the thoughts that cause us stress, sadness or fear, and finding new, peaceful ways to see and navigate problems, relationships, even memories.


…going to a family gathering and not being triggered.

…a truly peaceful relationship with your child, your partner, even your ex.

…making real and lasting peace with the past, whatever it was.

…forgiving - really forgiving - that person. Yes, even them.

…seeing your life’s experiences as valuable gifts, no matter what they are.

…making friends with your mind, and actually falling in love with yourself.

I offer:

- free 20-minute phone consultations

- one-on-one sessions

- 6 or 12 session packages

- group workshops

“When I’ve experienced stuckness in my life, I have turned to Heidi. She has mastery over the process of The Work, and together with her kind and loving nature, delivers results. The Work has become an essential tool to untangle outdated beliefs and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather explore and practice with than Heidi.”


I don’t let go of my thoughts, I meet them with understanding, then they let go of me.